Day 3 Preparing to protoype

On Day 3 we polished our concept and wrote down the storyboard.

We decided on the materials we need in order to bring our prototype to life.


We're ready and very excited to present our work tomorrow!

Day 2 Deciding our scenario

Day 2 was about exploring two directions: a usual design prototype or going more into critical design. That triggered a lot of thinking and confusion.

We started to explore option two by using a recent fact such as the US Ban and imagining how the future of the Nomadists will be and how can we address this challenge through design. We questioned what Middle East is and the perception over this region as something united when in fact there's much diversity within this space, from one country to another.

The core idea we want to show is the diversity within the Middle East and the commonalities with the rest of the world.

Presenting our progress to our colleagues.

Day 1 Finding a direction

In the Nomadentity group we address challenges related to immigration, open borders, self dignity and identity.

On Day 1 we picked up few ideas from the online research prior our workshop and tried to set up the goals and the message we would like our design prototype to convey.

We explored who are the Nomadists, their situation in the future and their needs.  And we shared personal stories that relate to the challenges in this group.